Are you ready to understand your Period and discover what it means to take charge of your hormones?

This program is for you if during your period you…
· Suffer from debilitating pain during your period
· Your periods are irregular and unpredictable
· Your periods are heavy and hard to manage
· You have extreme mood swings during your period
· You never have a good nights sleep and wake up exhausted
· You suffer from fatigue
You've tried everything and nothing seems to work

What the Course Does for You?

Imagine how you would feel If ...

· You knew exactly what to do to have regular periods every month

· Your period is a breeze, free of pain and mood swings.

· You don’t feel tired or fatigued any more

· You don’t have to live in worry about your next period

· You can live your life normally during your cycle

We wanted to help make your journey to Better Periods easier by giving you a FREE Period pain relief device.

A TENS Machine is a drug-free period pain relief device that is comfortable and easy to use.

Our Guide to Better Periods & Hormones in 90 Days teaches you to:

1. How to heal your periods and hormones

2. How to manage stress and sleep

3. How to transition of birth control

Meet your Guides

We're so happy you're here! We'll be guiding and supporting you during the next 90 days. You deserve better periods, and this course is the result of years of clinical experience supporting people who menstruate around the world to have better periods.

Elizabeth Bromley

Registered Nurse, Nutritionist, Naturopath, Medical Herbalist

BN, NZRN, AdvDip HSci (Naturopathy & Nutrition), Dip HSci

Hey, I’m Liz!

I’m the resident nerd in the clinic and most days you’ll find me buried deep in the latest research articles on PCOS and Endo (that I post repeatedly on Slack at all hours of the day!)

I’m a cat person, love latin dancing, exploring local cuisine, and learning languages - but not mastering any of them.

Along the journey of specialising in menstrual health, I’ve collected a few offical titles including being a Nurse, Nutritionist, Medical Herbalist and Naturopath. But mainly, I’m just Liz.

Vigneshwar Muthukumar

Associate Registered Nutritionist

BSc (Human Nutrition), MAppSc (Advanced Nutrition Practice)

I’m Vignesh!

A guinea pig dad of two, to Peanut Butter and Oreo. In my free time you’ll catch me working out at the gym, getting some good vegan eats, stretching in a yoga class or cycling through another new hobby - especially if it involves an adrenaline rush!

I write pretty much everything on our blogs and all our clinic resources alongside my workplace besties Bella and Liz. I feel super humbled to work in a clinic dedicated to helping people have better periods and hormones.

Did I also mention I’m a Vegan-Gemini?

Isobella D’Aiello

Nutritionist, Naturopath, Medical Herbalist

AdvDip HSci (Naturopathy and Nutrition), Dip HSci

Hi, I'm Bella!

I’m New Zealand-Italian-Māori, which is why my name is so difficult to say and why I talk with my hands. When I’m not at work, I love to sing, play guitar and experiment with art! I also have it on good authority that I’m the favourite Gemini in the workplace.

Since forever, I knew I wanted to be a Naturopath. And I had no idea it would lead me to where I am today, where I get to talk about periods literally all day.

I’m SO glad your here, and I can’t wait for you to get your periods and hormones sorted too.

What's Inside...

  Module 1: Let's Get Started
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2: Let's Talk About Your Menstrual Cycle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3: Troubleshooting Common Period Problems
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4: Self-Care And Sleep
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5: Common Health Conditions That Affect The Menstrual Cycle
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6: Keeping Your Results For Life
Available in days
days after you enroll


“I never thought my skin would clear up, I had tried everything. Clean eating, drinking heaps of water, cutting all sugar and fatty foods out of my diet, tried numerous high quality skin care ranges, cut out alcohol and still nothing was working. It wasn’t until I saw the amazing team at the clinic did I then realise that my horrific outbreaks were from an underlying health concern! I never ever would have known that heavy periods are not normal, and neither was taking time off work and study to try and deal with the pain.

They have been absolutely incredible with endless support towards my skin health, and thanks to them I’m now waiting on an official diagnosis to determine why my periods are so painful. I wouldn’t recommend anyone else, and if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t know any different. Clearer skin has made such a difference and I’m so relieved to have finally found an answer towards my skin troubles!”

Q: Does it take 90-days to do the course?

A: The course is a self-paced program. We recommend a 90-day window of time after implementing your learnings to observe the changes and improvements in your periods.


"This time last year I would not have been able to be in prep and honestly 100% it is down to the team at Hekate Clinic. If you are a female who is being dismissed and feels unlistened to by GPs and Doctors about issues you believe are linked to hormones, contact Hekate.

I can say it till I’m blue in the face, these ladies saved my life. This time last year I had no purpose other than survival. Literally living day by day as it came. I was sleeping every break I could during the day. My weekends were wasted resting. I was an emotional wreck, trying to fight against what was happening and what I wanted to be doing. I was told there was nothing wrong by multiple doctors.

If you are still unsure - the team have just released a free eBook as well as a new online course (not free but highly recommend!)"

Q: How long do I have access to the course for?

You have lifetime access to this course immediately including all future updates. The knowledge and skills you will gain, are tools for a lifetime! Being a completely self-paced online course, you can set the pace on when you start and finish. The work you put in now over the next 90 days, will help your body, hormones and periods when applying the information in you’ll receive in the course.


"I struggle to put into words how valuable Hekate have been for me. I have battled for so many years for my pain to be taken seriously and I finally feel heard. I now have a team of health professionals around me who are kind, caring, empathetic and getting results - it's a work in progress, but I am so grateful for Isobella and the Hekate team. I cannot recommend them highly enough!"

Q: How quickly will I get results?

Lots of our clients see benefits before their next menstrual cycle or within a few weeks when implementing our programme. It’s important to know that long-term results take time, which is why we recommend 90 days! The consistent work you put in today, will impact your menstrual cycle in the coming months.


"I always had painful periods and acne growing up with horrible mood swings prior to my periods. Most of the time I’d only have 1.5 to 2 weeks of feeling normal! After two appointments I had a period with zero pain. ZERO! I didn’t think that was even possible. And my skin has already improved so much with my herbal and changing up some of my foods. I can’t thank you enough!"

Q: Do you offer meal and diet plans?

Our non-diet approach focuses on encouraging a healthy relationship with food. We don't actively encourage calorie counting or offer diet plans as part of the course.

Our Guarantee

We offer a 7-day Money Back Guarantee, if you’re not satisfied for any reason.